Honey granola
Ahhh el regreso a clases trae consigo la misma preocupación para los padres, ¿Qué le voy a poner de merienda a mis hijas? aquí comparto con ustedes una receta que hacemos en casa para grandes y chicas, 🙂 Esta receta la creamos originalmente en la panadería y desde entonces la hago igual, solo a veces cambiando las frutas secas, y usando las que tenga a mano.
Esta granola se realiza con miel o con sirop de agave, avena integral, maní, almendras, cranberries, pasas, semillas de ajonjolí, semillas de linaza. Se mezclan bien hasta que todos los ingredientes estén cubiertos de miel o sirop.
Honey granola
- Honey Granola
- 4 tazas avena integral
- 3/4 taza almendras en lascas
- 1/2 taza semillas de linaza
- 1/2 taza semillas de ajonjolí
- 1/2 cucharada de canela en polvo
- 1/4 cucharadita de sal
- 2 cucharadas del aceite de su preferencia el mío es el de coco por todos sus beneficios o dos cucharadas de mantequilla
- 1/2 taza 120 ml sirop de agave o de miel (puede sustituirse por sirop de maple)
- 1 taza de frutas secas cranberries, cerezas, ciruelas, pasas, higos (opcional)
- Esta receta hace 30 meriendas de 1/4 de taza.
- Se unen todos los ingredientes secos, se mezclan bien, y luego se agregan los ingredientes líquidos, se unen todo bien, se coloca en una bandeja con papel encerado, se hornea a 165 Grados C (330 F) por 35 a 40 minutos o hasta que este doradita.
- Se despega del papel y se empaca, esta granola empacada en contenedores bien cerrados se conserva de 15 a 21 días.

Sean felices cocinando!
Honey Granola
Ahhh the beginning of the school year brings the same concern for parents, what I’m going to put my kids snack? Here I share with you a recipe that we do at home for everyone, parents and kids as well 🙂 This recipe was originally created in my bakery and since then we do it the same way, only sometimes changing nuts, and using what I have at hand in the pantry.
This granola is made with honey or agave syrup, whole oats, peanuts, almonds, cranberries, raisins, sesame seeds, flax seeds. Mix well until all ingredients are covered with honey or syrup.
Honey Granola
- Honey Granola
- 4 cups whole oats
- 3/4 cup almond slivers
- 1/2 cup flax seeds
- 1/2 cup sesame seeds
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons of the oil of your choice mine is the coconut for all his benefits or two tablespoons butter
- 1/2 cup 120 ml agave syrup or honey (can be replaced with maple syrup)
- 1 cup dried fruits cranberries, cherries, prunes, raisins, figs (optional)
- All dry ingredients together, mix well, and then the liquid ingredients are added, mix well until combined, placed on a tray with parchment paper, bake at 165 degrees C (330 F) for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown.
- It comes off the paper and packed, this granola packed in tightly closed containers remains of 15-21 days.
- This recipe makes 30 1/4 cup snacks.

This recipe will give you 30 1/4 cups portions to put on air tight containers or bags. Easy to make and to keep, and the satisfaction of knowing what you are feeding your family.
Happy cooking!
2 thoughts on “Honey Granola”
My child is furry and walks on four legs, so I don’t have the same exact concerns as other parents! 🙂 I more worry if she is going to potty in the house or in the grass! Lol. Anyways, I LOVE granola! Paired with honey and in fabulous clusters? Yes please! Love! Cheers, my dear! <3
Hahahaha LOL, otty in the house, you cracked me up girlie! loved your cauliflower pics! cheers sweetie