Bocaditos de papas y bacalao para la cuaresma
Hace poco estuve en un taller culinario acerca de las papas de Papas de USA, que me encantó, aprendimos cómo manejarlas, sus valores nutritivos y los diferentes tipos de papas más utilizados en la cocina latina.
Las papas están llenas de nutrientes, como vitamina C. Una papa de tamaño mediano con cáscara tiene el 30% de la vitamina C que se necesita en un día, casi lo mismo que una mandarina.
La receta de hoy es perfecta para la cuaresma, estos espirales de papas estan rellenos de un cuadrito de bacalao, para acompañar hice una simple mayonesa con pesto y limón.
Siempre estamos pensando qué hacer para comer, que sea un poco diferente y divertido, esta es una solución fácil y llena de sabor.
Bocaditos de papas y bacalao para la cuaresma
- 2 papas grandes en espirales
- 1/2 libra de bacalao o su pescado de preferencia en cuadritos
- sal y pimienta al gusto
- aceite de freír suficiente
- Mayonesa de pesto
- Ingredientes necesarios:
- 1 huevo grande en crudo
- 1 taza de aceite vegetal
- 1 manojo de albahaca solo las hojas
- sal y pimienta
- 1 diente de ajo
- Hacer los espirales de papas, reservar.
- Para la mayonesa: En el vaso de la licuadora poner todos los ingredientes menos el aceite.
- Comienza a licuar los ingredientes y vas agregando el aceite, muy lentamente, en forma de hilo, se va a ir poniendo espeso. Si consideras que necesita un poco más de aceite le pones más, todo depende de la consistencia que quieras para tu mayonesa.
- Cuando hayas terminado, colocas todo en un frasco de vidrio previamente esterilizado.
- Refrigeras hasta el momento de usarse.
- Cortar el pescado elegido en cuadritos de un bocado (si es bacalao salado, tomar el tiempo de desalar).
- Envolver los cuadritos de pescado en espirales de papas, hasta cubrir todo el pescado.
- Freír en suficiente aceite, escurrir y servir acompañado de la mayonesa y tajadas de limones verdes.
Adicionalmente, tiene 3 gramos de proteína, así como hierro, fibra, vitamina B e importantes antioxidantes.
Puedes darle sabor a tu mayonesa con diferentes hierbas, esta receta queda riquísima también con mayonesa de cilantro.
Estas recetas con papas tambien te podrían gustar:
Potatoes and cod bites for the Lent
I was recently in a culinary workshop about potatoes that I loved, we learned how to handle them, their nutritional values and the different types of potatoes most used in Latin cuisine.
Potatoes are full of nutrients such as vitamin C. A medium-sized potato with skin has 30% of the vitamin C needed in a day, almost the same as a mandarin.
In addition, it has 3 grams of protein, as well as iron, fiber, vitamin B and important antioxidants.
You can flavor your mayonnaise with different herbs, this recipe is also delicious with cilantro mayo.
Bocaditos de papas y bacalao para la cuaresma
- 2 large potatoes in spirals
- ½ pound of cod or your favorite fish in small cubes
- salt and pepper to taste
- Sufficient frying oil
- Pesto mayonnaise
- Ingredients needed:
- 1 large egg
- 1 cup vegetable oil
- 1 bunch of basil leaves only
- salt and pepper
- 1 clove garlic
- Make the potato spirals, reserve.
- For mayonnaise: In the blender put all the ingredients except the oil.
- Start liquefying the ingredients and begin adding the oil, very slowly, it will begin to thincken. If you think you need a little more oil, go ahead and put more, it all depends on the consistency you want for your mayonnaise.
- When you are finished, place everything in a previously sterilized glass jar.
- Refrigerate until ready to use.
- Cut the fish into bite size cubes (if it is salted cod, take the time to desalt it).
- Wrap the squares of fish in potato spirals, enough to cover all the fish.
- Fry in enough oil, drain on paper towels and serve accompanied by mayonnaise and green lemon slices
Today’s recipe is perfect for Lent, these potatoes spirals filled with a little cod, I made a simple mayonnaise with pesto and lemon to go with.
We are always thinking what to do to eat, to make it a little different and fun, this is an easy solution and full of flavor.
Here are some recipes that you may also like:
Cilantro Paprika Potatoes Salad
Salt Cod Fritters

Para más información acerca de las papas, sus diferentes variedades y sus nutrientes pueden visitar esta página : Potatoes USA
16 thoughts on “Bocaditos de papas y bacalao para la cuaresma”
Wow, that looks good! I’ll take a spoon or two or three!
Thank you Annie! oh it was, a small cube of cod inside a crispy potato spiral..
Love this little appetizer – it’s the sophisticated version of fish and chips! Sign me up!
Hey Allie!! oh thank you for your kind words!! I am so glad you liked it!
Perfect idea for Lent Gaila! I’m always trying to find new non-meat recipes for this time of year! These look delicious.
Thank you Mary Ann! ☺
These are perfect! Fried potatoes and fish is my thing since moving to New England. I love all the fresh cod we get here and always looking for new ways to use it. I’ll have to try this recipe soon 🙂
Hey Karrie, I hope you do tried it I’m sure you’ll love it!
What a fun way to serve potatoes, Gaila! I’ve never made them into spirals before. I’ve actually got some extra potatoes up in the kitchen right now, so maybe I’ll have to experiment with spirals a bit. 🙂 Sounds like fun. And I love the way you presented these, too!
Hey David! thank you for stopping by, I am glad you like it! ?
I could eat potatoes every day of the week, so I’m loving these, Gaila! Perfect for Lent! Cheers!
Hey Chey! me too!! potatoes are so good! you know what will be perfect for this recipe, your gravlax!???
Cod (and potatoes) are hugely popular around here! The pesto mayo is such a nice touch 🙂 I’d definitely eat more than one 😉
Hey Dawn! thank you, I am glad you like my pesto mayo touch!?
I would absolutely love to attend a culinary event about potatoes! I’ve never met a potato that I didn’t like and these need to go on my list of things to make because they look so pretty and yummy!
So cool that you got to attend this event – I love potatoes – in all their shapes and colors – they are so comforting no matter how they are cooked – at least that’s my opinion 🙂