Easy Homemade Keto Tortillas: Gluten-Free & Low Carb

During these unprecedented times, many of us have found solace in our kitchens, experimenting with new recipes and comfort foods. After months of indulging in whatever my stress levels dictated—let’s just say there were more snacks than I’d like to admit—I decided it was time to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Enter these Homemade Easy Keto […]

Alfajores filled with dulce de leche

This recipe for Alfajores filled with dulce de leche is a classic in Latin American celebrations. The Sweetest Season Cookie Exchange is a yearly celebration of love, I mean cookies, but that is kind of the same thing and the holiday season is all about sharing and spreading love, some of my dearest blogger friends and […]

Croissants stuffing muffins

Happy thanksgiving! As you may already know this year I was Lucky enough to have time to share with my family specially my sister and the both of us decided to make together a Thanksgiving cocktail party. If you haven’t seen the previous posts, here they are Squash croquettes and Chorizo and sweet Plantain stuffed turkey breast. […]

Potato dinner rolls

Potato dinner rolls We are continuing with our recipes for thanksgiving dinner. Now is the turn for potatoes dinner rolls. Well this warm rolls will be one of the perfect sides to go on your thanksgiving table. I don’t know about you but I love warm bread with butter, plus nothing beats fresh warm bread […]

My kids easy pizza

La pizza fácil de mis hijas Tengo un pellizco en el corazón, mi primogénita, Cloé, cumple 12 años, parecerá tonto pero en estos últimos meses la he visto convertirse en una joven adolescente, ante mis ojos incrédulos, mi corazón está feliz y al mismo tiempo triste viendo como el momento inevitable se acerca a pasos […]

Bao buns or Chinese steamed buns

Bao buns or Chinese steamed buns When I was making my Char Sui Pork belly recipe, it came to me, what better to go with it than steamed buns, so looked up some recipes and this is the one that I tried.   A baozi or simply known as bao, bau, humbow, nunu, bakpao (Hokkien), bausak, […]

Duck confit sliders #weekdaysupper

Duck confit sliders #weekdaysupper [xyz-ihs snippet=”Weekdaysupper”] If this is the first time you read one of my posts, then Welcome!! to my virtual kitchen and coffee table chat place.. your opinions are really appreciated do no hesitate to speak out! One of my favorite guilty pleasures is confit! I have said in the past that […]

Apple cinnamon french toast

Apple cinnamon french toast In French speaking regions, French toast is referred to as pain perdu, meaning “lost bread” in French. It is referred to as “lost bread” because it is a way to reclaim stale or otherwise “lost” bread. The hard bread is softened by dipping in a mixture of milk and eggs, and […]

Homemade slider buns

Homemade slider buns  This is an easy recipe, you can either use this buns as small slider buns or as dinner rolls. They are soft and will last up to 3 days cover in a dry cool place. I had all purpose flour, but you can use the flour you prefer, (whole wheat, yucca, chickpeas) […]

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