Pa amb tomàquet

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Pa amb tomàquet

Pa amb tomàquet

Pa amb tomàquet  literally in English: “Bread with tomato”) is a simple and typical recipe in Catalan cuisine. Pa amb tomàquet consists of bread — toasted — with tomato rubbed over and seasoned with olive oil and salt. Sometimes garlic is rubbed on the bread before rubbing in the tomato. The dish is served accompanied with any sorts of sausages, ham, cheeses, anchovies or grilled vegetables.

Pa amb tomàquet


This is made fresh each time (in fact, if it is pre made, most people will not consider it at all pa amb tomàquet), there is said to be an ideal order in which the ingredients are integrated to yield the best flavor. First, the garlic is rubbed on the bread. Then the same is done with the tomato. Next comes the salt, and lastly the olive oil.

Pa amb tomàquet

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4
Author: Gaila - The Petit Gourmet
5 from 3 votes
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  • 1 Country bread loaf cut in thick slices
  • 6 Ripe tomatoes
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • sea salt or fleur de sel
  • fresh garlic cloves as needed


  • Toast the bread to your liking. Rub the garlic clove over the surface of the bread.
  • Slice a tomato in half and rub it against the bread, shredding the pulp in the process, until the bread is saturated enough or you just have the tomato skin remaining. If you are serving a larger party you can grate the tomatoes again the grater and you will only have the skin remaining in your hands. Season with salt and drizzle with a large amount of olive oil.
  • Serve in a bowl with spoon accompanied by bread and olive oil. I decided to serve also some Serrano Ham, Manchego cheese and some sliced chorizo.
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 Pa amb tomàquet

Happy toasting!

Pa amb tomàquet


Es un plato simple, pero su sencillez es deliciosa. Se elabora frotando tomate crudo y maduro sobre una rebanada de pan, tostado o no, aliñado al gusto con sal y aceite de oliva. Si se desea, una vez tostado el pan y antes de untar el tomate, hay quien restriega ajo para darle sabor picante.


Pa amb tomàquet

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4
Author: Gaila - The Petit Gourmet
5 from 3 votes
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  • 1 pan campesino cortado en rodajas gruesas
  • 6 to mates maduros
  • 4 cucharadas de aceite de oliva virgen
  • sal marina o flor de sal
  • dientes de ajo fresco según sea necesario


  • Tostar el pan a tu gusto. Frote el diente de ajo sobre la superficie del pan.
  • Cortar un tomate por la mitad y frotar contra el pan, triturar la pulpa en el proceso, hasta que el pan está saturado lo suficiente o solo te quede la piel de tomate en las manos. Si usted está sirviendo un grupo más grande puedes rallar los tomates más el rallador (guayo) y haces el mismo proceso, rallando el tomate contra el rallador hasta que solo te quede la piel de los tomates en las manos. Sazone con sal y rociar con una gran cantidad de aceite de oliva.
  • Servir en un bol con cuchara acompañado de pan y aceite de oliva. Yo además decidí servir jamón serrano, queso manchego y chorizo en rodajas.
Did you make this recipe?I'd love to see it! Follow @Petitgourmetsd snap a photo and tag #Petitgourmetsd!

Puede constituir entrante, acompañamiento y también plato principal, en cuyo caso suele acompañarse de embutidos, quesos, tortilla y aceitunas. No ha sido nunca un manjar refinado. En su origen se trataba de una comida tradicional de verano, tomada habitualmente como merienda por los campesinos que así aguantaban hasta la hora de la cena. Como que en las casas de campo se elaboraba pan una vez a la semana o cada diez días, este pan terminaba secándose. Parece pues lógico que el pà amb tomaquet se inventara para humedecer el pan y hacerlo más tierno.

Pa amb tomàquet

¡Sean felices cocinando!

Picture of Gaila Pérez Orsini

Gaila Pérez Orsini

As certified holistic nutrition coach & a cook, we work with people like you and me, all over the world. Here, you will be empowered in your wellness journey with wholesome recipes & holistic guidance.

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8 thoughts on “Pa amb tomàquet

  • This sounds incredible! I am all about quick and easy recipes, and the thought of fresh tomatoes and a nice crusty loaf of bread is making me very happy right now. Thanks for sharing!!

    View all 1 replies
    • Hello David! How was your thanksgiving? Hope it was great! thank you for stopping by! All I know is that when I served this at the table everyone loved it!

  • 5 stars
    Simple and delicious, Gaila. Perfect for quick and tasty holiday appetizer trays!! Bring on the Christmas parties!!!!

    View all 1 replies
    • Thank you for stopping by Allie! Great idea of taking this to Christmas parties

  • 5 stars
    I LOVE a good appetizer board and this looks fabulous! I’ve never heard of Pa amb tomàquet before, but toast and tomatoes sounds pretty fabulous to me! Cheers, doll! XO

    View all 1 replies
  • 5 stars
    I had this when I went to Spain and loved it (along with everything else I ate over there!) Right when I came home, I tried to recreate many of the tapas I had there, so very happy that I now have this recipe to add to that collection 🙂

    View all 1 replies
    • Hey Karrie! I am glad I am a contributor to your tapas recipe collection, would love to taste that collection some time! I ‘ll bring the cold beer! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!

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