Parmesan, ricotta and beef raviolis
The basic ingredients involved are flour, eggs, salt, and water. This delicious homemade recipe is not hard to follow and you can make the dough ahead and put it in the fridge for 24 hours. I did this recipe without a mixer but if you do use one, it will not need as much kneading as it would if it was mixed by hand.
Making homemade pasta takes time and effort but it is an inexpensive way of having a fresh, delicious tasting and most of all you are sure of every ingredient you put into the pasta. So in case any member of your family have allergies you can substitute it.

- Fillings can be as simple as one or two ingredients to several ingredients used in special recipes. Ingredients, such as meats, fish, cheese, vegetables, and herbs, are used in preparing fillings for stuffed pastas. It is common for eggs to be used in fillings to bind ingredients together.
- If using a moist filling, do not let the pasta set too long before cooking because the moisture from the filling may cause the pasta to stick to the surface where it has been placed.
- Be sure the filling is completely prepared before starting to work with the pasta so the pasta does not dry out while you are preparing the filling.
- When adding filling to pasta, do not over fill because too much filling will not allow enough room for the edges to seal properly.

Parmesan, ricotta and beef raviolis
- For the dough
- 4 cups flour
- 6 eggs
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
- For the filling
- 1 cup ricotta cheese
- 1 cup cooked meat garlic, onion, salt and pepper
- 1/8 pound grated Parmesan cheese
- 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
- 1 egg
- salt and pepper to taste
- For the roasted tomato sauce
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 20 cherry tomatoes roasted for 30 minutes with garlic salt and pepper
- 8 ounces crushed tomato
- 4 ounces of pureed tomatoes
- Finely chopped garlic
- grated Parmesan cheese
- Place the flour on a clean work surface. Make a hole in the center of the flour, break the eggs in the well. Add the salt, and olive oil in the center of the well and gently mix with a fork.
- Slowly begin to incorporate the flour by pulling on the flour from the sides of the well. The more flour you incorporate, the more shape you take the dough.
- With your hands or a kneader continue to work the dough until it joins. If the dough is too dry, add some water; If it is too moist or sticky, add a little more flour.
- Continue to work the dough and continue kneading until the dough becomes soft and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Gather the kneaded dough and form a ball. Cover the ball of dough with plastic or aluminum foil and let stand at room temperature for at least 1 hour.
- In a baking tray, put the cherry tomatoes cut into half sprinkle with salt and pepper and a little garlic, and cook in the oven for 30 minutes.
- Lightly drizzle the work surface, place the dough ball in the floured area. With the palm of your hand, flatten in approximately a six-inch circle. With a lightly floured roll, begin to stretch the dough from the center and sideways, slightly rotate the position of the bolillo with each movement, always starting in the center and rolling sideways. (Keep the batter covered until ready to use.)
- Continue to stretch until the dough has a uniform thickness of 1/8 inches. Sprinkle the dough slightly and let it dry for about 15 minutes before cutting.
- Place the ground beef, onion and garlic in a frying pan over medium heat, and sprinkle with salt and black pepper. Cook the meat until golden, about 10 minutes, crush it with a spoon while cooking. Drain excess fat. Mix ricotta cheese, Parmesan cheese, parsley, egg and ground beef in a bowl until all is well.
- In a frying pan, heat the olive oil with the butter, heat the garlic and add the crushed tomatoes and the tomato puree, boil for 15 to 20 minutes, add the cheese and roasted tomatoes. Book it.
- Place approximately 1 teaspoon of filling in each circle or square of individual pasta. Moisten the edges and place another circle or square on top. Press firmly on the edges to seal properly. Repeat with remaining dough and filling.
- Bring salted water to a boil. Add the ravioli. Reduce heat to low; Cook for 1-2 minutes or until the ravioli float on the surface and are tender to the touch. Drain. Put the ravioli in the sauce pan and heat and cover with the sauce. Serve and enjoy!
Don’t be afraid to make homemade pasta, you effort will be recompensed! if you don’t feel like kneading at all, used a stand up mixer with a dough hook and do the same process. The filling can be adapted to your own favorite things and you can even ask your kids to participate and help you along! they will sure want to taste it when it’s done!
Raviolis de parmesano, ricotta & res

Los ingredientes básicos involucrados son harina, huevos, sal, y agua. Esta deliciosa receta casera no es difícil de seguir y se puede hacer la masa por adelantado y ponerla en la nevera durante 24 horas. Hice esta receta sin batidora ni procesador de alimentos, pero si usted usa uno, no necesitará tanto amasado como lo haría si se mezcla a mano.
Hacer pasta casera lleva tiempo y esfuerzo, pero es una forma barata de obtener un alimento fresco, delicioso y la mejor parte de todo es que estás seguro de todos los ingredientes que pusiste en la pasta y en el relleno. Así que en caso de que cualquier miembro de tu familia sea alérgico, puedes sustituir el ingrediente por otro.
Raviolis de parmesano, ricotta & res
- 4 tazas de harina
- 6 huevos
- 1 cucharadita de sal
- Aceite de oliva virgen 1 cucharadita adicional
- Para el relleno de ternera Queso
- Queso ricotta 1 taza
- 1 taza de carne cocida ajo, cebolla, sal y pimienta
- 1/8 libra de queso parmesano rallado
- 2 cucharadas de perejil picado
- 1 huevo
- sal y pimienta al gusto
- Para la salsa de tomates asados
- 1 cucharada de mantequilla
- 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva
- Horno 20 tomates cherry asados para 30 con ajo sal y pimienta
- 8 onzas de tomate triturado
- 4 oz de tomates en puré
- ajo finamente picado
- queso parmesano rallado
- Colocar la harina en una superficie de trabajo limpia. Haga un hueco en el centro de la harina, rompa los huevos en el pozo. Añadir la sal, y aceite de oliva en el centro del pozo y mezcle suavemente con un tenedor.
- Poco a poco comenzar a incorporar la harina tirando en la harina de los lados del pozo.Mientras más harina incorpores más forma tomará la masa.
- Con las manos o un amasador siga trabajando la masa hasta que se junta. Si la masa está demasiado seca, agregue un poco de agua; si está demasiado húmeda o pegajosa, agregar un poco más de harina.
- Siga trabajando la masa y siga amasando hasta que la masa se vuelva suave y elástica, alrededor de 8 a 10 minutos. Reúna la masa amasada y forme una bola. Cubra la bola de masa con plástico o papel de aluminio y deje reposar a temperatura ambiente durante al menos 1 hora.
- En una bandeja de horno, poner los tomates cherry cortados en mitades espolvorear con sal y pimienta y un poco de ajo, y cocine en el horno por 30 minutos.
- Enharinar ligeramente la superficie de trabajo, colocar la bola de masa en el área enharinada. Con la palma de su mano, aplane en aproximadamente un círculo de seis pulgadas. Con un rodillo ligeramente enharinado, comience a estirar la masa a partir del centro y hacia los lados, gire ligeramente la posición del bolillo con cada movimiento, siempre comenzando en el centro y rodando hacia los lados. (Mantenga la pasta cubierta hasta que esté listo para su uso.)
- Continuar estirando hasta que la masa tenga un espesor uniforme de 1/8 pulgadas, más o menos. Espolvoree ligeramente la masa estirada y dejar secar durante unos 15 minutos antes de cortar.
- Coloque la carne molida, la cebolla y el ajo en una sartén a fuego medio, y espolvoree con sal y pimienta negra. Cocine la carne hasta que esté dorada, unos 10 minutos, aplastarla con una cuchara mientras se cocina. Escurrir el exceso de grasa. Mezcle el queso ricotta, el queso parmesano, el perejil, el huevo y la carne molida en un bol hasta que se una todo bien.
- En una sartén, caliente el aceite de oliva con la mantequilla, calentar el ajo y añadir el tomate triturado y el puré de tomate, deje hervir durante 15 a 20 minutos, añadir el queso y tomates asados. Reserve.
- Coloque aproximadamente 1 cucharadita de relleno en cada círculo o cuadrado de pasta individual. Humedecer los bordes y colocar otro círculo o cuadrado en la parte superior. Presione firmemente en los bordes para sellar correctamente. Repita con el resto de la masa y el relleno.
- Poner agua salada a hervir. Añadir los raviolis. Reduzca el fuego a fuego lento; Cocine por 1-2 minutos o hasta que los raviolis flotén en la superficie y estén tiernas al tacto. Escurrir. Poner los raviolis en la sartéen de la salsa y calentar y cubrir con la salsa. Servir y disfrutar!

Los rellenos pueden ser tan simples como uno o dos ingredientes hasta varios ingredientes utilizados en recetas especiales. Ingredientes, tales como carne, pescado, queso, verduras y hierbas, se utilizan en la preparación de las pastas rellenas. Es común usar huevos en los rellenos para unir los ingredientes.
Si se utiliza un relleno húmedo, no dejes la pasta demasiado tiempo antes de cocinar porque la humedad del relleno puede causar que la pasta se pegue a la superficie donde la has colocado.
Asegúrese de que el relleno esté completamente preparado antes de comenzar a trabajar con la pasta, así la pasta no se seca mientras se prepara el relleno.
Al añadir el relleno a las pastas, no llenar demasiado porque si se rellena demasiado no tendrá suficiente espacio para que los bordes sellen correctamente.

¡No tengas miedo de hacer pasta casera, ya que tu esfuerzo será recompensado! si no tienes ganas de amasar en lo absoluto, usa una batidora o un procesador de alimentos con un gancho de amasar y haz el mismo proceso. El relleno puede ser adaptado a tus cosas favoritas e incluso puedes pedir a tus hijos que participe y ayuden en la preparación, seguro que querrán probarlo cuando estén listos!
¡Boten el golpe cocinando!
19 thoughts on “Parmesan, ricotta and beef raviolis”
I found this recipe on foodporndaily. This looks delicious! How many ravioli did this make? Or how many servings?
Hello Rachel! Thanks for you comment it really was! it made about 5 ravioli per person (big raviolis) 4 people! Thank you for stopping by!
This looks divine!
Thanks Adam! it was! 🙂
This just looks so comforting and delicious Gaila. Wish we were neighbors, I’d be a taste tester for you. Love raviolis. 🙂
What a lovely idea!! we, neighbors!! that will be something!! I wouldn’t mind living near by your kitchen for sure!! ??
Ravioli is a big favorite of mine! Yours is perfect!! Delicious, my friend!
Thank you Annie!! ?
There is nothing quite as delicious as homemade ravioli and yours look absolutely perfect, Gaila! I could seriously eat a few bowls of this beefy goodness right now! Cheers, girl!
Hello Chey! Yes I agree! homemade pasta is so delicious! Cheers!???
Nothing beats homemade ravioli!! Hubby makes them in our home and I love them! Yours looks perfect and wish I had a big bowl in front of me right now 🙂
I agree, nothing beats homemade!! Thanks for stopping by Dawn!?
Yup, homemade pasta takes time (that’s why I don’t make it often) but it’s totally worth of it! The combination of meat, ricotta, and tomato sauce is one of the best ever. Well done, Gaila!
Yes Ben, it does take a lot of time, but the results are so worth it. Thanks for stopping by.
Oh my gosh…this looks amazing, Gaila! Now I want fresh pasta for dinner. I agree that fresh pasta takes a bit of effort, but that effort is SO worth it! And this filling? Perfect for raviolis! I seriously have a pasta craving now…haha! 🙂 Happy Monday, my friend!
Hello David, Happy Monday for you too! how was your weekend? I hope that it was great! thanks for stopping by!
Homemade ravioli is the best comfort food! Your recipe looks so good too and can’t wait to try it next time I make pasta 🙂
Karrie!! homemade pasta is truly worth the effort! Thank you my darling!
These tasted very good and were easy to make. I served them with my home made sauce and it was delish!